Post Script Five: 2016 Jessica Cooper Statements-One

“Cooper, who was elected in 2008, says members of her staff have responded to all of King’s queries over the years. Her chief assistant, Paul Walton spoke at length with King in 2012. King also met with Gary Miller, then- Oakland County deputy sheriff.” From A Father’s Story by Deborah Holdship published in Michigan Today, April 25, 2016

This statement is at best misleading and at worst incorrect. For instance, one of the Assistant Prosecutors advised me that he had been instructed not to talk to me.

The June 25, 2012 meeting with Walton is summarized in Chapter 64 of my story of my son’s murder, A Father’s Story-OCCK. Prior to this meeting on June 19, Kevin Dietz of Channel 4 sent a FOIA request to Cooper for the documents she had shown him yesterday and received 121 pages concerning the Busch investigation. This was during the same time period that Cooper told both the Oakland County Circuit Court and the Michigan Court of Appeals that this information was exempt and not available to me in my FOIA cases. Walton gave us less than ten pages at the June 25 meeting (Chapter 38). At this same meeting Walton also told us that he had no evidence exonerating Busch from participation in these murders.

Cooper and Walton asked me to come to court on July 20, 2011. When I appeared they falsely told Judge Martha Anderson that I had committed the crime of disclosing the existence of the Oakland County Grand Jury. When I asked him who provided his office with this false information at the June 25, 2012 meeting, he responded Kevin Dietz. Dietz had previously delivered to his office a statement that I was not the source of his TV program announcing the existence of the Oakland County Grand Jury (Chapter 65, Exhibit K).

The meeting with Gary Miller was arranged with Sheriff Michael Bouchard and no prosecutor was present. My summary of the meeting is at Chapter 64, Exhibit J.
Cooper called on March 1, 2010 to tell us that Busch was no longer a suspect. On June 25, 2012 Walton tells us the Oakland County Prosecutor has no evidence exonerating him. The only person who can give us the basis for her March 1 phone call is Cooper. Hopefully before the November 8 election someone in the media will ask her to explain why she called me on March 1 to tell me Busch was no longer a suspect.