Chapter 70: Conclusions: Part Five

There are a number of additional questions I have for Jessica Cooper. Among them are the following:

19. When Chief Assistant Prosecutor Paul Walton filed his August 8, 2012 sworn Bill of Particulars with Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Wendy Potts stating that he had returned all the police records to the Michigan State Police did your office have in its possession the MSP documents delivered to me on November 20, 2012 (Chapters 47 and 48)? If so, do you have any professional responsibility to tell the Oakland County Circuit Court of this false statement pursuant to Rule 3.3(a)(1) of the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct?

20. Did Richard Thompson tell the revitalized OCCK Task Force that he believed Christopher Busch was the murderer? Did your office discuss this subject with Thompson and, if so, who participated and what was said?

21. Define “meeting” as described in Chapters 61 to 64? Who prepared the list of 27 meetings? Why did you deliberately omit July 20, 2011 (Chapter 65)?

22. On April 26, 2012 did you tell the Oakland Press that you had won the appeal in my first FOIA case? If so, what was your basis for this statement?

23. Do you disagree with the facts or conclusions of Bill Beachum in Chapter 60, Exhibit G? If so, state each fact or conclusion and the basis for each disagreement.

24. Prior to October 5, 2009 did you tell the revitalized OCCK Task Force not to keep you advised of its investigation (Chapter 53)? If so, why did you make this request?

If any prosecutor advised you that the leading suspect in your child’s murder was no longer a suspect should the prosecutor explain the basis for her decision? If your answer is yes please vote for Mike Goetz this November.