In response to his investigative subpoena, Wayne County Circuit Judge Timothy Kenney ordered Lawrence Wasser to identify his potential suspect. Wasser filed an immediate appeal to the Michigan Court of Appeals which instructed him to provide a similar answer. Wasser advised the Wayne County Circuit court that he could not remember the name of the potential suspect but he would be willing to meet with Cory Williams and Garry Gray to discuss the matter. When Wasser met with Williams and Gray on November 30, 2007, Wasser provided the following statements:
1.) He was asked by Jane Burgess to administer a polygraph on behalf of a criminal suspect
2.) The suspect of Burgess stated that he was polygraphed by Ralph Carter and he passed a polygraph regarding the OCCK case
3.) Both the attorney and the suspect were now deceased
Williams and Gray then determined that Carter had polygraphed 5 suspects in the OCCK case including Christopher Busch. Of the 5 Carter polygraphs, Busch was the only instance in which both the suspect and the attorney were deceased.
After Busch was identified as a suspect the OCCK task force continued gathering evidence regarding his participation in the murders. During the future investigation, the Task Force also identified Gregory Greene and Vince Gunnels as Busch companions who were possible participants in the murders.
I will discuss the involvement of Green and Gunnels after I complete the possible Busch participation.