Chapter 56: Interagency Relationships- 2009 to 2010

In previous Chapters we learned (a) that Wayne County and the MSP had determined that Christopher Busch was the leading suspect in the OCCK case,(b) that the first three individuals to fail a polygraph test had been identified by them between 2005 and 2010,(c) that Wayne County had taken appropriate action to locate and test trace evidence, and (d) that there was a mDNA match between Vince Gunnels and the third victim. Then, for reasons the King family has received no explanation, the MSP linked up with Oakland County and terminated the participation of Wayne County.

Chief Assistant Oakland County Prosecutor Paul Walton outlined this transfer in Section 3 of the sworn Bill of Particulars he filed in my second FOIA case where he stated as follows:

“k. To prepare my Power Point Presentation, detailing the strengths and weaknesses of the OCCK investigation, I spent in excess of 200 hours of work, and reviewed literally thousands of pages of documents for source information from FBI and State Police files. During this extensive review of the FBI and State Police investigators from the FBI and the State Police remained present with their records, acting as both custodians of these records as well as sources of information, as they were almost continuously queried during the review of these records, the materials were returned in their entirety to the FBI and the State Police and are not now, nor were they at the time of Plaintiff’s FOIA requests, in the possession of the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office , but returned after being reviewed.

l. I presented my Power Point presentation to the expanded Task Force at a meeting of the expanded Task Force at a meeting on February 26, 2010.

m. While the MSP has always been, and remains, the lead agency in the Task Force, the Wayne County Prosecutor then requested that her investigator, the former Livonia Officer who authored the conclusory report that Christopher Busch was Oakland County Child Killer be allowed to work with the Task Force.******* The Wayne County investigator was ultimately again asked to leave the Task Force”

The MSP reports have entries in December 2009 where Gray does not respond to Williams. During this same time period Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper terminated all contacts with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy. Having taken no action for 33 years, Oakland County took charge of the case after the October 27, 2009 Task Force meeting and has continued its streak of taking no public action since then.