Chapter 57: Interagency Relationship: 2010 to 2016

Once Oakland County took charge silence again became the norm. In my FOIA cases the Oakland County Prosecutor successfully argued that crime victims are entitled to no information. It is my understanding that Jessica Cooper told her trial prosecutors not to talk to me. During this time period Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy responded to my inquiries and Chief Assistant Prosecutor Robert Moran and Wayne County Investigator Cory Williams conferred with the King family on a regular basis. Moran and Williams have visited with Chris and me on 5 or more occasions.

On October 26, 2012 Cooper appeared on TV and stated she had met with me on 27 occasions. I will devote a future chapter to the falsehood of these claims.

Sometime in the middle of this time period, the Michigan State Police returned to Wayne County for assistance. The King family does not know the time or reason for this change in procedure, but the Task Force responsibility is to solve the case. As discussed previously Oakland County has not identified one suspect in more than 40 years while Wayne County and the MSP found three suspects who failed a polygraph test, identified the hairs found on Mark Stebbins and Tim King with one found in the car of Archibald Sloan were a mDNA match, obtained the scientific evidence which had never been examined and identified the only suspect with a mDNA match to one of the victims. The King family would appreciate information on why the MSP changed its mind regarding Wayne County participation.

The King family was advised in June 2105 that all parties were working together for what may be the first time. For instance the names of all suspects have been placed in a computer system which allows the current investigators to compare any new leads.